Dyslexic Thinking and the Origin of Thought

In the beginning there was not the Word

It was late in coming

Before the Word

There was the Picture

An image

A concept

A shape in the Mind

Forming the Landscape of Thought

Rolling indistinct and whole

Spiking into hyper-realms

A quitoxic state

For to show the Picture

To form the Landscape

In another’s mind

Took the Word

And the Word arrived late

In *a* beginning there was the Word

And it was praised

The power of External Thought

And the Image was relegated

The Word made the Picture

In the Mind

Shaped the Landscape

And formed the Concept

But the Word

became the Fence

The Scaffold

And the Chain

Buttresses formed

And armaments armed

The Word was drenched in Convention

Thought began to die

The Word to – fail

In The New Beginning

There was the Word

But the Word was stale – Old

The Image escaped the Word

And wrapped it in protective cortex

Where it grew once more

Driving the formation of the Landscape

The Word *and* the Picture

Became the Shape

Became the Concept

Indistinguishable to drive the Thought

And the Thoughts were whole and distinct

Changing rapidly

Into something new

Until the conveyance of Concept

To Others

Fed back on itself

Shaping the Landscape

Into the realms of Hyper-Thought

Stretching to cover Humanity

In the end

The Thought is the Picture *and * the Word

The Word came late

But that does not matter

Posted: Thursday, November 12th, 2009 @ 12:13 am
Categories: Poems.
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3 Responses to “Dyslexic Thinking and the Origin of Thought”

  1. Lethe Says:

    You have a wonderful concept to convey, and you do it beautifully with the language you choose.

    The poems I write are closer to my physical/mental/emotional experience. I try to convey moods, emotions, states.

    The challenge with abstract poetry is that a reader can only connect to the ideas; and ideas are harder to connect with.

    But your poem reminds me of a poem I once wrote called “Love and Greatness Sutra”

  2. John Ross Barnes Says:

    that was bloody-Brilliant! You have pretty much summed up years of my thoughts, ponderings, confusions in a succinct, pretty way.

    ok, that was totally inadequately put. I hope you get the drift – I really like(ed) it.

  3. admin Says:

    Thankyou so much

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