Another of my Poem a Day for February poems 🙂
Clothed in the night
Clothed in the day
Clothed in the twilight
The angles sway
Singing songs of creation
Wrought of the wrong kind of mediicine
Clothed in the disease
Clothed in the pathos
Clothes in the famine
the deamin chaos
Chanting the dirge of creation
built if the blight that is life
Dressed both in fine spun cloth
Dressed both in oppressions thread
Dressed both in the cloak of lies
the couple bed
Dancing the steps of creation
Sowing the seeds of life
Posted: Sunday, February 14th, 2010 @ 11:26 am
Categories: WoPoWriMo.
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September 9th, 2010 at 8:43 pm
[…] is Bound 17) Spirits of Trees 18) Small Showers 19) Cataracts 20) Scandal Vanished 21) Balance 22) Clothed 23) Fairy Tale 24) Inspiring Weather 25) Companionship 26) First time Camping 27) The Date 28) City […]