Gotye Parody Spoof Thingy

My husband looks a lot like the singer Gotye so over a half term at the beginning of the year me and my family decided to make our own video. It takes elements from Gotye’s own video for his song Somebody That I Used to know and from Walk Off The Earths cover plus I maintain that it sounds like Baa Baa Black Sheep though everyone looks at me oddly when I say this :/

This is my first attempt at making a film rather than just doing stuff to record poems and songs to share and get feedback. It is daft fun and is just done using the camera in the laptop so was very limited.

Thanks to a workshop I did with the Cheltenham Improvisers Orchestra there are shoes being used as procussion 🙂

I also have permission from Goyte head quarters for the use of the sound track though shamefully I asked for it after the project was done.

My husband Alaric – is non plussed by the ‘look like Gotye’ thing – but my uncle currently isn’t speaking to us as he thinks we have afforded our new house because Alaric has been secretly in a band and has just made it big 🙂 It is strangely like a parallel universe. The first picture I ever drew of Alaric was him being a drummer which Gotye is and also I have often wondered where Al would be if he hadn’t been discourgaged with his synthersiser playing. As it is with the new house move we’ve ended up with a hammond organ which has also been used in some of my poetry recordings.

Posted: Thursday, June 14th, 2012 @ 11:02 am
Categories: Songs, Video.
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