
Day three of WoPoWriMo had me producing this – I think it still needs work on it so feedback would be appreciated 🙂

It’s from the daily exercise Biscuits.


This flour?
This flour here
So dusty and dry
That was me
The sort of flour that would dry out the skin
Or make you sneeze

This butter?
This butter here
So soft, so oily
That was you
The sort of butter that would run through fingers
Or make you slip

Those hands?
Those hands there
So strong, so tender
They are love
The sort of hands that break eggs
Or spill salt

Those beaters?
Those beaters there
So interlocked, so synched
They are fate
The sort of beaters that bend
And Homogenise

That sugar?
That sugar there
So sweet, so granular
They are memories
The sort of sugar that mixes with with flour
And sops up oily butter

That cake tin?
That cake tin there
So simple, so metallic
That is our life
The sort of cake tin that will hold the mix of us until we rise
And are baked firm

This cake?
This cake here
So good, so firm, so full of wholes?
That is our future
The sort of cake you can decorate
Or leave bare

Posted: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 @ 1:06 pm
Categories: WoPoWriMo.
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