Ghosts of the Ghetto

Ghost of the ghetto
Your shadow is long
Reaching the present
In teachings and films

Ghost of the ghetto
The nightmares of man
Clouding the mind
Of one who was never there

Ghost of the ghetto
the I look to you
Is my fathers fear
Of you of the hate from which you grew

Ghost of ghetto
He never knew you
His father narrowly missed you
still he fears your return

Ghost of the ghetto
Remember of the crime
locked in a soul
perplexed by the insanity

Ghosts of the ghetto
Stain into life
So the truth cannot be seen
Your meaning hidden

Ghost of the ghetto
in resonance lies
An echo of hate
How propaganda binds

Ghost of the ghetto
A tradgedy full told
And yet the class missed it
We saw only facts

Ghost of the ghetto
yeild to me
so I may weep
the concept of family, friend, child

Ghost of the ghetto
I see you there
The key is knowing
one face, one name

Ghost of the ghetto
who are you?
Those smiling faces
or walking skeletons

Ghost of the ghetto
in images I’ve seen
people who could be my family
and so at last the tears

Ghost of the ghetto
Your enamies here
I saw them myself
But they did not know me

Ghost of the ghetto
They tried to tell me
I was like them
the way I look

Ghost of the ghetto
I knew their lies
Bundled in modern context
I turned my back on them

Ghost of the ghetto
I’ve cried for you
How can I help?
I fear I can not

Ghost of the ghetto
It’s time to rest
You may live within
I’ll remember
I shall mourn
Especially the little ones
And those that were never born

Posted: Saturday, March 16th, 2019 @ 12:04 am
Categories: Poems, Political.
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