Dreadlock Alien
When I first started running poetry workshops I did a series of workshops in schools – they were “rough” schools or impoverished or had “challenging behaviour”. There was a grant which was just as well as I would not have been able to get to the schools to run the workshops without the money as we did not have our own car at the time and were in one of our “eep no cash flow” times.
I learnt many things during those community outreach sessions including that sometimes schools do not tell you stuff for fear that you wont come – this is annoying because if I know I can prepare and maybe alter things that might need a bit of a tweak. My workshops are flexible, and I can adapt and it turns out I can do these things even without any prior warning.
But one of the most formative things that happened and something that helped with my science communication as well as the poetry was that there were other poets I could see in action.
One of these was Dreadlock Alien. He was AMAZING!
His natural ease with the kids… and seeing him perform was quite frankly EPIC!
And it is not just me that thinks so, my eldest child ended up in one of his workshops at an event and she loved it so so much. He is one of those artists that seems to always be touring and working with kids 🙂
If you get a chance I would recommend seeing him perform and if there is a chance of a workshop then grab it!
Posted: Friday, July 7th, 2017 @ 12:11 am
Categories: About Poetry, Reviews.
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