The Little Book of Sparkler Poetry
I really wanted to do a Little Book this year but was too tied up with things to do an Easter/Spring one and I didn’t want to do another lot of Halloween poems when I haven’t got round to making the first one properly! So instead I have gone for poems about Fireworks Night or Guy Forks or Bonfire Night.
I’m going to be documenting the poems and book construction over on my illustration/kidlit blog Orange Monster.
There will be ten poems and illustrations and I hope my now 5 year old child likes them!
Posted: Thursday, October 28th, 2010 @ 9:32 pm
Categories: Poems.
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January 9th, 2011 at 7:41 am
< b >< a href=”” >…< /a >< /b >< /blockquote >…
Buygeneric drugs…