Golden Girl

Golden girl fallen from grace
How can this be?
Dreams all laid to bed
All those thoughts you had
Lost beneith the dross of days
Spent surviving

Golden girl fallen from grace
Everything was laid out for you
You could have had it easy
But you chose to live instead
Now your dreams are ashes
And ideas all seem the same
As time licks by indecently

Golden girl fallen from grace
Wieghed down with life
Responsibilities kill the genius
Fears killing the mind
Insinerating the inspirations
Those brilliant flashes silenced
Intelligence hidden

Golden girl fallen from grace
What was your crime?
Not believing in yourself
Understanding grief and yet coping
Listening to a heart that bleeds
A thousand things you could have been
Ultimately you could not choose
And so ultimately you loose

Posted: Saturday, March 14th, 2015 @ 8:04 pm
Categories: Poems.
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