
I love poem a day challenges so am once again taking part in WoPoWriMo this year – that stands for World Poetry Writing Month and last year this resulted in me coming up with the Monster Writing Game (which I am still trying to finish mk 3 of so I can start selling it!).

Due to just having had a baby I am not going to be making it to any poetry meetings this month which is a shame but I am looking forward to steaming on ahead with this challenge – the main issue is that with having done MoP (Month of Poetry) last month and now having a small baby I am sort of stuck in children’s rhyme mode which I’m hoping to shake off for a while.

I am note going to put the poems straight up on here this year as it was a lot of work last year – I’m already three days into the challenge and though I have like five things written in a note book I do not have the time currently to type them all up and edit them on the fly.

Posted: Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 @ 1:41 pm
Categories: WoPoWriMo.
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