
A raw WoPo poem:

When I first saw you
I loved you, the way you moved and talked
The way you looked
But I did not love your cloths
Nor your hair cut
Or believe that anything like love could exist for me
For us
You burnt me
With a smile and a kind eye
Just one, for I could tell the other was wrong
Your soul did not live there
Later you explained it did not work
We did not go out
There was no magical date
months of emailed trivia
A friendship bloomed

When I first kissed you
Or you kissed me
Or we kissed each other
I was trembling within
I wanted to capture that moment for ever
Sometimes I still live within it
The lights along the river nestled us
We were cocooned in a world of US
You wanted to walk me home
But I took you to the bus stop
To check that you were safe

When you first said you loved me
I looked at you skeptically
For though I loved you
How could something
So perfect as you love me?
Why say it
I was hurt you thought me a fool
But you carried on saying it
Again and again
And finally I knew
You really thought
You loved me
This scared me and thrilled me
And made me so sad
You deserved someone better

When I first said I love you
I didn’t mean it
Or rather I did
But I hadn’t meant to say it
As if not saying it
Not mentioning that four letter word
Could make it
Not true
Pah! What was that but some silly notion
Teenage girls thought of love
I never had
Well not like them
All that romance stuff
Princesses and dresses and kisses
Not for me
I would not surrender who I was

When I said it
Uttered it’s loveliness
I felt struck dumb
Blood rushed to my head so I could not see, nor hear, nor think
You froze in wonder
Looking down at me with blue eye
You kissed my forehead
But did not remove you weight from me
We both knew I would leave
I would disappear
If set free from you then


I didn’t believe in such silly things
Not sure I do now
But you make me happy
It is you that makes the day
Radient I bath in the glory of us
As I play computer games with our eldest daughter
She has you’re lankiness
And you two bicker
Neither willing to admit that sometimes
Being a pedant wont work
I have to intercede
As you have too when I argue with her
About weather blue or purple is the best

When we first saw her
On the dark glowing screen
Nothing but a blob
A Little white blinking speck
A heart beat
Our child
Then our love
This strange strong thing
This thing that joins us
And crushes and gives us strength in weakness
That love
Yes that
Seemed as if it was all, that would ever be needed

I didn’t believe in love
I didn’t need too
Love found me
It found us
And the more we give
To each other
The more it seems to grow
For you Alaric
My love

Posted: Thursday, February 14th, 2013 @ 10:42 am
Categories: Poems.
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One Response to “Love”

  1. Snell-Pym » A Real Valentines Day Says:

    […] This year I wrote him a poem. […]

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